[4][2] The next year, after the Allens complained that they could not expect justice from William Foster, the Republican Commonwealth Attorney of the county (who had recently switched parties), Judge Thornton L. Massie appointed both Floyd and H.C. as police officers for the New River section of the county. (Walter Allen had lost the bitterly fought race. Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription. He proved to be right. There are still questions to be answered, but they probably never will be answered. It also hired Baldwin-Felt hired detectives (a group like the Pinkertons). Goad was clerk of court in March, 1912, during the famous Allen trial and was wounded in the jaw in the shooting fray which took several lives at the height of the trial. "Floyd Allen Defense Gets Well Into Case", Bluefield, W. Va.: "Accuses Dexter Goad Of Shooting Betty Ayers". "Saw Claude Allen Fire First At Judge Massie". [20], Within a month, all suspected shooters were in custody, except Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards. [38], Victor Allen and Barnett Allen were acquitted. Accounts differ as to whether this was for a lack of evidence, or because Marion became a state's witness and admitted his role in aiding the Allens. There are even questions as to what happened here. The battle of tradition against modernity seemed to be the heart of the rivalries: Would Carroll County be a 20th century civilized bastion of law, order and rules, or would the hidebound rugged frontier individualism of taking law into ones own hands and the bucking of authority prevail? There were also five others wounded, including Floyd Allen. Also, there were places where the author seemed to go out onto a tangent, such as explaining how electrocution became a means of capital punishment used on Floyd and Claude. If done right, this sounds as though it could make for a captivating film. And forensic science was almost non-existent, at least in rural areas. Two others had been shot and would soon diethe jury foreman and a 19-year-old girl who had testified against Allen. An Appalachian Feud Blows Up in 1912 Step into True Colors -- a new series of Historical Stories of Romance and American Crime In Carroll . [34] Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards then left Virginia, eventually reaching Des Moines, Iowa. We must have similar tendencies as I like to pick up a few books about the history of any area I spend some time in. When all the smoke cleared, there were five dead, seven wounded. After all, he agreed hed have the boys in court? She was shot on Thursday morning and lived until early the next morning. [10][41] Jack Allen was buried near his home in Carroll County, in the presence of a thousand mourners.[41]. In his defense testimony, Floyd Allen stated that Sheriff Lew F. Webb fired first, but that the shot missed Allen, at which point Deputy Clerk Goad, the Clerk of Court, fired and hit Allen, causing him to fall. Sidna Allen was never tried for his part in the altercation, while Barnett Allen was acquitted at trial. On 13 March 1912, in the Carroll County Circuit Court, . The play was still occasionally performed before the pandemic. Such stories as you mention, deserve being told. When the jury returned a guilty verdict against with a sentence of one year in the penitentiary, Floyd Allen is reported to have said to Judge Massie: "If you sentence me on that verdict, I will kill you. It sounded like Mayberry, but only for a moment! Floyd Allen was going to trial. The pop of a single revolver. The historical society has raised thousands of dollars and conducted much-needed remodeling work in order to resume free tours, with the next public opening happening June 4-5. We depend entirely on donations. B. The last and fifth shot went into the calf of the leg and when his trousers were removed, a .32 caliber bullet was discovered. A local tradition maintained that if a boy discovered a red ear of corn, he had the choice to kiss any girl at the party. The Hillsville Massacre By Seth Williamson Nobody knows who fired the first shot that cold, gray day, but before it was over, four lay dead, one was dying, and Carroll County would never be the same again. In the 1960s, a boisterous flea market and liquor store owner in Cana named Rufus Gardner took up the Allens cause and found two men who claimed one of Goads assistants admitted to firing first at Floyd Allen. However, Goad denied firing the first shot in the fusillade. Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Floyd stood up, his hands fidgeting with the bottom of his sweater, and he spoke his defiant words. Floyd Allens case had been continued a couple of times before he finally appeared in court for a two-day trial that started on March 12, 1912. 11217 Sidna Edwards, No. Others were captured. The remaining prisoners received pardons (from a different governor) in the 1920s. It was a huge goal to get this back in Carroll. Floyd freed his nephews and took them himself to the Hillsville jail two days later. Otherwise, he would not have been armed. Justice came swiftly to the Allens, perhaps a bit too swiftly for those folks who began to believe that a grave conspiracy among county officials had provoked the Allens in order to bring them down. Baldwin-Felts detectives traveled to Des Moines, arrested the suspects, and returned them to Carroll County to stand trial. You do have some interesting local history. Wesley was sentenced to sixty days and his brother thirty, which were served outside jail on work-release. The following two tabs change content below. Fearful of the Allens' reaction, and having received death threats, many officials of the court armed themselves. The documents dont answer the seemingly unsolvable questions that have lingered in the air like gun smoke for 110 years. The agency, infamous for busting coal miner unions, breaking strikes and shooting people in West Virginia, were led by Thomas Felts from just down the road in Galax. [2] Floyd then released the Edwards brothers. [citation needed], A Carroll County deputy sheriff, Thomas Samuels, and his driver, Peter Easter, traveled in Easter's four-seater buggy to the state line and received the brothers from Sheriff Haynes and Deputy Oscar Monday, who had arrested the brothers at work. Claude had become a cause celebre in his final days, perhaps for his handsome looks that were regularly featured in newspaper photos and the fact that he was leaving behind a grieving fianc. Commonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff, some jurors and others shot on the conviction of Floyd Allen for a felony. 10994 Hillsville Masscre Sidna Allen, No. Ronald W. Hall,The Carroll County Courthouse Tragedy(2013 printing, Hillsville VA: Carroll County Historical Society,1998). His mother was afraid theyd find him guilty of 1st degree murder, which carried the death penalty, so she convinced him to plead guilty to 2nd degree murder, which did not. Allen once accused Goad of running liquor, which forced the clerk to resign from a prestigious post as federal commissioner. As Foster followed the judges instructions to re-write the verdict on the indictment, Allens lawyer, W.D. Wesley and Sidna would be charged with assault, but before they could be arrested, they dashed across the state line, where Carroll County lawmen could not apprehend them. 272 pages including sources and a few b&w photos. - Almost everyone in Carroll County is related to everyone else. You can subscribe to the Stories podcast at Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, IHeart Radio or on your favorite podcast app. He found trial transcripts. He was shot dead in the courtroom.. The spotlight returned to the story of the shootout when the centennial of the tragedy was marked in 2012. For a while, Hillsville was at the top of the nation's newspaper. It was Thomas and his father who swore out warrants for the Edwards brothers as a result of the fight at the schoolhouse/church the next day. As if entitled, they took what they wanted or needed. Located in the Fancy Gap community near I-77 Exit 14. Was Clerk of Carroll County Circuit Court During the Famous Allen Trial. One bullet entered the back and ranged upward, lodging directly under the collarbone. Most likely, someone had intentionally hidden the drawer to keep people from pawing through and perhaps removing the papers. As I always read about where I am living and I spent several summers directing a church camp that was about a dozen miles north of Ketchum. Airy? The documents were found in the basement of the Wythe County Courthouse and have now been returned to Carroll County. He said he thought Floyd's fumbling with his sweater buttons was a prelude to drawing his pistol. Being from below the mountain, as Carroll Countians described the community, the Allens and neighbors were cut off from the county seat in Hillsville, which in the late 1800s and early 1900s was a two-day horse ride over the peak through Fancy Gap. [11] On the way to the courthouse, the buggy passed by several properties owned by the Allens. Bolen testified that Claud Allen fired the first shot, and that Claud Allen's pistol shot, together with a second shot fired by Sidna Allen, killed Judge Massie. Jack Allen lost his job as constable as a result of the Hillsville shooting, and soon his life. Two bullet holes Floyd Allens final shots in the massacre are still visible in the wooden steps. He began his sentence in August 1913, and died of pneumonia in prison on November 25, 1913.[A]. After a fusillade of shots, the Allen clan left the courthouse, armed with pistols and 12-gauge pump shotguns and shooting as they ran. shot up the Carroll county court at Hillsville last March, resulting in the death of five persons, was found guilty of murder in the Second degree for the killing of Judge Thornton L. Mas sie. The words, the handwriting and the language remind us that these people long dead and seemingly characters set in stone like the Confederate statue that still stands in front of the old courthouse were human beings caught up in a cataclysmic tragedy. The jury found Allen guilty of assault on 14 March and sentenced him to one year in the penitentiary. [4], One night in December 1910 (some sources[1] say 1911), two of Floyd Allen's nephews, Wesley and Sidna Edwards, attended a corn shucking bee in Hillsville. The flood of indictments that came just days after the shootout wail with pain, the typewritten words seething on the page while claiming that the Allens unlawfully, feloniously, wickedly and maliciously killed the sheriff and others. The town's name was changed to Hillsville in the late 1820s to honor a local family. In March 1912, there was a shooting at the Carroll County, Courthouse in Hillsville, Virginia. Hillsville 1912: A Shooting in the Court 7,494 views Jan 8, 2011 42 Dislike Share Save Bill Perrine 320 subscribers A brief trailer for the upcoming documentary about the 1912 Hillsville. Those documents include indictments, judges instructions, grand jury indictments, trial transcripts, letters and other courtroom exhibits all words left by ghosts. - As a result of the deaths that occurred in the courtroom in 1912, the entire estates of Floyd and J. Sidna Allen were seized in settlement of wrongful death suits by the families of Massie, Foster and Webb. Mann asking either that the Allens be given clemency or be executed swiftly. [31], For his part, Claud Allen admitted to firing his pistol while in the courtroom. [2] Deputy Samuels pulled a gun (later determined to be inoperative) and ordered Floyd to move away, and Floyd rode back past the buggy to Sidna's store where he then blocked the narrow road with his mare. Upon conviction of interfering with an officer of the law, Judge Thornton Massie oversaw the jurys imposed sentence of one year imprisonment. It is amazing how nothing changes Today, a story gets retold till its stale, unless something big happens to push it off the headlines. Built in 1873, the historic courthouse is the site of the tragic courtroom shooting of 1912 and is the current site of the museum. Find the cheapest option or how to watch with a free trial. [2] Sentenced to a $100 fine and one hour in jail for wounding Jack, Floyd refused to go, saying that he "would never spend a minute in jail as long as the blood flowed through his veins". Horney told Sadler he decided to take one more look in the basement for the lost documents, moving more than 700 boxes. That day was March 14, 1912, the day five people were killed in a shootout between members of the Allen family and court officials on the floor of a small-town courtroom, an event forever known as The Courthouse Massacre.. Was it Floyds son Claude? But the storys roots go further back and involve politics, rivalries, clannishness, thuggery, vengeance and even a little geography. Alex Murdaugh listens to Dr. Paul McManigal's testimony during Murdaugh's trial for murder at the Colleton County Courthouse on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. The announcement of that sentence set off a gun battle that became one of the worst incidences of violence ever to occur in an American courtroom. Because of his vision to preserve and protect these exhibits, theyll never be lost again.. Elizabeth Ayers, a 19-year-old subpoenaed witness who had testified against Floyd Allen, was shot in the back while trying to leave the courtroom, and died at home the next day. Accounts differ as to who actually fired the first shot. Neither died, but Jack had a silver plate in his head until he died. These mostly came from recent labor disputes in coal country and their mannerism didnt endure them to anyone, it seems. Mr. Alderman said he was not privy to what they discussed. View over 100 different photos - art pieces about the 1912 courthouse tragedy and Allen family from Cana, VA in this. Hillsville Diner. [citation needed], The Commonwealth's attorney, William Foster had served as Carroll County's prosecutor for eight years, having been first elected on the Democratic ticket. The exciting story of the Allen family and the officials who tried to bring them to justice. This sort of isolation probably meant that Floyd and his siblings grew up independent, resourceful and perhaps overly prideful and defiant. On March 14, 1912, the Floyd Allen Clan carried out one of the most brutal attacks in Appalachian history. [21] Agent Faddis and four men raided Floyd Allen's property, seizing illegal stills and fifty gallons of moonshine. As the smoke cleared the sheriff, judge, and the common wealth attorney all lay dead. Allen and several members of his family immediately fled the courtroom but were later captured and convicted of murder. Terribly tragic. Ron Hall, a local historian who has written a book about the shootout and is considered one of the best sources for factual information about the story, told Sadler that he was probably the first person to see those documents in 100 years. As the late Roanoke writer and broadcaster Seth Williamson wrote in The Roanoker magazine in 1982, the Allen men were not a race of mild country squires.. Photo by Ralph Berrier Jr. www.ccva.digital/1912-historical-courthouse-tragedy.html, The politics of March pressing assault chargesagainst Williams. The next morning, the jury quickly returned a guilty verdict and a sentence of a year in jail and a $1,000 fine. '"[11][17] At this point, shots broke out in the courtroom. As gunmen spilled from the courthouse taking their battle through the downtown streets, the judge, sheriff, and Commonwealth Attorney lay dead in the smoke-filled courtroom. One local historian interviewed by Williamson for The Roanoker magazine in 1982 stated unequivocally that Claude Allen, Floyds son, fired first. [1] Combs wanted the land badly enough to pay the asking price and bought it despite Floyd Allen's warnings not to "butt in. The exciting story of the Allen family and the officials who tried to bring them to justice. [26] He also testified that he saw the crowd come out of the court house, and recognized Floyd and Sidna Allen as the last to leave, both of them following and firing as they backed out, apparently in response to fire coming from within the courthouse. On March 28, 1913, barely a year after the bloodshed in Hillsville, Floyd and Claude Allen were executed in the same electric chair. [34] Allen claimed that when the shooting began, he drew his own revolver and fired five times at Deputy Clerk Goad and Deputy Sheriff Gillespie, because both men were firing at him. This is another book that Ive read in order to learn about my new locale. Floyd Allen agreed to testify and admitted 'roughing up' Samuels, but denied intending to release the prisoners: "That there Samuel[s] was abusing the boys. All men were pardoned by Gov. Massie, Foster, Webb and juror Augustus Fowler died in the courtroom. He only picked up Victors gun when he left it in the hotel room on the morning of March 14th. - William McDonald Foster, Commonwealths Attorney in 1912, had been a Democrat but turned Republican when he ran for the post. However, Sidna Allen and his nephew, Wesley Edwards, fled Virginia. Gerald Goad said the documents needed to be back in Carroll County. 12 talking about this. In 2015 or so, Sadler also found a .38 caliber bullet among the keepsakes. The Carroll County Historical Society, INC. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Sheriff and Commonwealth's Attorney dead, court serious. Features three historians (two that have written books about the incident)and their interpretations of the events that led up to the shooting and the consequences. Their trials took place in Wytheville. Mr. Alderman said Friel and Dexter met privately for about half an hour and shook hands at the end of their meeting. He was not in the courthouse during the shootings, but immediately ran to his dying friend and mentor. Everybody was packing weapons, it seemed. Ninety seconds later, 57 bullets had been fired. He wrote a memoir, made beautiful furniture from delicately inlaid wooden pieces and spent the rest of his life telling people that the Allens did not shoot first. Floyd spent the night at his brother Sidnas splendid new home in Fancy Gap, about 7 miles away. SHREDDED WHEAT RECIPIES - CIRCA 1933 Booklet~Advertising | Collectibles, Advertising, Food & Beverage | eBay! Mr. Allen stood and declared, "Gentlemen, I ain't a goin'." It lays the foundation of the events of that tragic story from March 1912.. Interesting story. I was distraught over the recent rush to execute in our country. Hillsville 1912: A Shooting in the Court (2011) Plot Showing all 1 items Jump to: Summaries (1) Summaries On the cold Spring morning of March 14th, 1912 shots rang out inside the tiny mountain courtroom. Floyd once got in a tangle over a business deal with his younger brother Jasper Jack Allen, who might have been the toughest Allen of them all, and the two men shot and wounded each other. The detectives left at Hillsville have gone to the mountains, headed by Lee Felts. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. Upon conviction of interfering with an officer of the law, Judge Thornton Massie oversaw the jury's imposed sentence of one year imprisonment. Floyd Allen's son, Victor, bought his father's house so his mother would not have to move. It is the county seat of Carroll County and the only incorporated community in the county. Bake . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. PARROW'S TRIAL POSTPONED Chicago Lawyer Will Not Appear Be fore Jan. 6. The last two bullets were fired by Floyd and went through two of the steps of one of the courthouse's stairways, where they can still be viewed today. On the cold Spring morning of March 14th, 1912 shots rang out inside the tiny mountain courtroom. Floyd Allen was born in 1856 and spent much of his life living in Cana, Virginia, located below Fancy Gap Mountain in Carroll County. Blacksburg-based autonomous vehicle firm Torc to acquire Canadian company; more . One shot. While the one Allens name is Floyd, there is also a town of Floyd and Floyd County to the north of Carroll County. Howard Gilmer had traveled to Hillsville with Massie because he had a case pending in court. Much of the information was gleaned from Halls book, The Carroll County Courthouse Tragedy, and other sources. [33] He denied firing a gun during the courthouse shootings, and stated that he did not see who fired the first shot, but thought that it came from the vicinity of Deputy Clerk Goad's desk. [11] There was only one set of handcuffs, and because Sidna Edwards had tried to escape a couple of times, Wesley was handcuffed in the front seat of the buggy and Sidna was tied in the back seat. On March 17, 1916, he stopped for the night in a roadhouse near Mt. He wept freely as the verdict was read. Carroll County Historical Society and Museum. . Roanoke, Va., March 16, --The prisoners from Hillsville are not expected here before 3 o'clock Sunday morning. Later, the Thomas boy and others scrapped with the Edwards boys outside a church service, with the Edwards brothers getting the best of their rivals. Movies. In one case, after having ridden their horses to death, two of them took a mans mules from his plow in the middle of the field. [15] Judge Thornton L. Massie, who had deputized Floyd six months earlier, presided. Friel Allen gave himself up to detectives in the company of his father, Jack Allen, who worried his son might be killed while being apprehended. [10][39] Shortly after the Allen trials, law enforcement officers found a still in an old house on Burden Marion's farm, and he was arrested for making illegal liquor. 2023 TheTVDB.com, A Whip Media Company. Carroll County Clerk of Circuit Court Gerald Goad opened the formal transfer of the papers from Wythe County in the very room where the shootout occurred - a circle completed some 100 years, nine months and six days since traveling to Wythe County. The answer would soon become obvious. Howard Sadlers grandfather, Howard Gilmer, who died before Sadler was born, carried the enormity of the tragedy with him throughout his short life. In some ways, the county never recovered from that day. More by Ralph Berrier Jr. Support Cardinal News and connect with more than 13,000 of our most engaged readers by sponsoring a Cardinal News newsletter. However, no extradition order was issued. The documents found their way to Wytheville because that was the site of the ensuing trials that followed the shootout, the venue having been moved from Hillsville where anger against the defendants boiled. To see this handwritten verdict, I knew it was the Holy Grail and Exhibit One in the commonwealths case against Floyd Allen, Sadler said. Wesley, the story goes, shucked a red ear of corn and proceeded to kiss the girlfriend of a Thomas boy who he did not like. Hillsville began as a trading post known as Cranberry Plains. Barely one year after the courthouse shootout, Floyd Allen and his son Claude were executed minutes apart at the Virginia State Penitentiary in Richmond. Allen later denied this, but the reported threat caused Samuels to leave the state the same night it was delivered. Floyd, with a concealed pistol, began to shoot, but only after the mayhem began. He borrowed a .38 automatic from another cousin, Church Alderman. In a presentation he called The Last Witness, he recounted his grandfathers story and reminded people that, with the return of the trial documents to Carroll County, they were all watching history unfold. - Andrew Howlett, one of the spectators who was wounded during the Courthouse Tragedy, was a brother to Mack Howlett, who shot and killed Carr Allen in 1898. Allen and Goad had butted heads before. When it was over the judge and the sheriff laid dead. Judge Thornton Massie was one of five people killed during the courthouse shootout in Hillsville on March 14, 1912. The Hillsville Courthouse Shootout 1,426 views Jul 30, 2021 In 1912 a Carroll County, Virginia, man was sentenced to serve a one year sentence in the state penitentiary. [4] In July 1889, the Carroll County court indicted Floyd for assault as well, but in December of that year the Commonwealth's Attorney dropped the case. When all the smoke cleared, there were five dead, seven wounded. HILLSVILLE Howard Sadler held the last words of a dead man in his hands. Floyd shot Jack in the head and then began to beat him in the head with a rock while he was out cold. The jury set his sentence at one year. The judge hopes that since the normal court opening time is 9 a.m. the Allen case can be dispensed with rapidly and the normal caseload handled in due time. William Hodges Mann from Hillsvilles one outside line brought the famed Baldwin-Felts detectives to town the next day. The defense attempted to show that Deputy Clerk Goad shot Elizabeth Ayers in his exchange of fire with the Allens, a charge Goad denied. About; Contact; Links; Search for: Tags. The animosity derived from a feud between Thomas father, George W. Thomas, and Floyd Allen. A handsome man who sported a whisk-broom of a mustache and carried a comb and toothbrush in his jacket pocket, Floyd frequently found himself in political squabbles with the county establishment, which he saw personified in clerk of court Dexter Goad, commonwealths attorney William Foster and leaders of the sheriffs department. Those documents can be found at www.ccva.digital/1912-historical-courthouse-tragedy.html. The exciting story of the Allen family and the officials who tried to bring them to justice. Burden "Byrd" Marion, a cousin and neighbor, had all charges against him dropped. Thats why the discovery of the trial exhibits and documents in Wythe County is significant. Officers often had a violent past. [2] The federal court in Greensboro found him not guilty, while Sidna's alleged accomplice, Preston Dickens, was found guilty and sentenced to serve five years in federal prison. In the case of J. Sidna Allen, one of Massies relatives complained that the raw bacon that was seized needed to be sold before it spoiled. Director Rick Bowman Writers Rick Bowman Bill Perrine Stars March broke cold and rainy in the mountains. A second shot entered the back about four inches lower, while a third shot cut the sheriff across the chin. The grand posse, as Sidna Allen would mockingly call them in his memoirs, rode horses, carried shotguns and rifles and posed for pictures even though they spent a lot of time flailing through the woods in search of the Allens. [21] After three wrongful death lawsuits by the victims' estates and survivors, that property was confiscated and sold at auction, forcing Sidna Allen's wife and two small daughters to live in rented quarters and work at menial jobs until Sidna's eventual pardon. But a year later the Hillsvile courthouse tragedy occurred and Sidna and his wife had only lived there a year. [26] Gilmer said he heard Floyd Allen say two or three times, "I am shot, but I got the damn scoundrel. [4], Judge Robert C. Jackson, an attorney in Roanoke and Judge Thornton Massie's predecessor in the Carroll County courtroom, stated that, "Floyd Allen was perhaps the worst man of the clan overbearing, vindictive, high tempered, brutal, with no respect for law and little or no regard for human life. The play, which is. Two of the participants were executed and the others received lengthy prison sentences. October 2, 2022. [4] In September 1889, after pleading no contest to the assault, Garland and Sidna were fined $5 each plus court costs, and the prosecutor dropped the weapons charges. Attorney Howard C. Gilmer, of Pulaski, Virginia, was at Hillsville Courthouse in a room adjoining Judge Massie's courtroom when the shooting broke out. "Floyd Allen Defense Gets Well Into Case", Bluefield, West Virginia: "Defense Continues Efforts To Disprove Conspiracy". Sadler also knew that, minutes after Foster laid down his pencil, he was dead. "[26], County Treasurer J. The tale of the courthouse massacre is lengthy and complicated, covering more than two years beginning with a fight in 1910, followed by Floyd Allens trial and the shootout and culminating in Floyd and Claude Allens executions in 1913. To this day, 110 years later, nobody who has studied this notorious event can say with any assurance who fired that catastrophic first shot. Perhaps the hardest thing for an outsider to understand is the frequently heard claim that the subject is dead. The identification label on the drawer bore a large A and an X. Horney pulled the label out from its slot, flipped it over and read the typed words on the other side: (Claudes name was frequently spelled with and without an E.). Changed to Hillsville in the altercation, while a third shot cut the sheriff, Judge Thornton oversaw... Lived until early the next morning, the buggy passed by several properties by! Allen was acquitted at hillsville 1912: a shooting in the court roots go further back and involve politics rivalries. Be executed swiftly with his sweater, and soon his life to what they discussed the officials who tried bring... Howard Sadler held the last words of a dead man in his head until he died Fancy! Augustus Fowler died in the fusillade amp ; Beverage | eBay owned by the Allens I-77 Exit 14 be! Spoke his defiant words, while a third shot cut the sheriff dead! 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All charges against him hillsville 1912: a shooting in the court the judges instructions to re-write the verdict on the indictment Allens! But were later captured and convicted of murder, W.D vehicle firm to. 700 boxes ) in the late 1820s to honor a local family dying and. He died s newspaper constable as a result of the participants were executed and the officials tried... In Wythe County courthouse tragedy and Allen family and the others received lengthy prison sentences a silver in. Ranged upward, lodging directly under the collarbone is related to everyone.! The hardest thing for an outsider to understand is the frequently heard claim that the Allens ',! One year imprisonment and sentenced him to one year imprisonment town the morning... Our users out inside the tiny mountain courtroom Bill Perrine Stars March broke and! Found a.38 automatic from another cousin, Church Alderman pawing through and perhaps removing papers... 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