What is your ultimate mountaintop experience? the mighty apostle of Pentecost was a great leader in the early church, crucified upside down. To grow and restore the family of Christ on the foundation of His Word and His promises. Hebrew tells us he is greater than all the O.T prophets! Finally, one day he reached the top of his mountain. And if we keep moving upward an onward, we will eventually get to the peak or sum total of our own personal mountaintop experience! Why does God allow you to have a Mountain-top experience? Peter, James, and John climb up this high mountain with Jesus; probably Mount. Heaven or Hell! Since the first reported successful climb of that 29,000-foot peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, more than four thousand different individuals have experienced the thrill. Both can be mountain top experiences, moments when we see God in a new way. Peter himself later recounts that the disciples were "eyewitnesses of his majesty (2 Pet. Scripture gives us stories of literal mountain top experiences that color our expectations for what it means to encounter the divine - Abraham and Isaac climbing together in an act of extreme devotion to God and experiencing the mercy of God at its apex. When I heard that story, I identified with it so very much. But if we dont use what we have experienced on the mountain to affect the valley, then they might as well just be quick reactions to a fleeting moment. God met me in Atlanta and it seemed to me that He was saying, Lets do this together.. (Mark 9:2-3 ESV) Jesus takes his inner circle to a mountain with him and they experience a "God thing." It was something unlike anything they had ever seen. A bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud. Thats when you see people all around you move forward as they listen to the call of their mountain top experience. Since the first reported successful climb of that 29,000-foot peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, more than four thousand different individuals have experienced the thrill. So many of us begin to desire to leave God's mountaintop through lax engagement with God's Word because the experience feels so ordinary. Jesus would rise in a glorified body, ascend to heaven and sit on the right hand of the throne of God. We, of course, visited the ranger station and gift shop at the top, and chatted with one of the rangers about what short hikes we could do while we were at the top and about the recent snowstorm that made the road impassible. Yet, it seems that Peter actually does the opposite. Philippians 4:13. You feel overcome by a greater awareness of God's reality. And Im guessing wed have a mountaintop experience at church if we took the time to listen to each other describe our mountaintop experiences. However, there will be times of hard work, traffic jams, taxes, wasted time, frustrating situations, wrecked dreams, lost money, broken relationships and the list of challenges that we face at some point in our lifetime could go on and on. Grab a blanket and a glass of hot chocolate, and do these five warm indoor activities for those rainy winter days. Would you pray and ask God to give you a mountaintop experience; when he does you will see his glory and worship him, understand his work and trust him, hear his word and obey him. Sinai. (see Exodus 19) Address it with all of them, and make them aware of the pros and cons of the mountain top. How do you respond? Finally, its just Moses moving to the top of Mt. Sinai. If movies aren't your style or you need a quieter way to relax, pick up a good book. And it happened at the foot of Mt. After clarifying among the three who the real hillbilly is (its the one who has V:33-let us make here three tabernacles; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. The disciples needed to know who Jesus was because in the days ahead they would be discouraged, disillusioned as they saw Jesus suffer and die on the cross. Even so, flaws and all, God sends us from our mountaintops into the valleys below. Theres only one place to meet with God; only one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus! We need to pray with Neil Griffith, Builder of mountains, make me like a mountain, Firm let me stand against the winds of strife; Give me a soul that reaches up to heaven, But plant my feet in needs of human life. Amen, we all agree with that; to be on the mountain top in the presence of Jesus and to see His glory! But seriously Im glad to have an excuse for Joani to describe the stirrings of the Holy Spirit in her life. 1:17). 4. of or pertaining to mountains. Peter a man who always had something to say when nothing should be said; said: V:33-Jesus, master, it is good for us to be here. Because whatever happens, God has it all in control. The law and prophets all meet in Jesus, they point to Jesus, and they preach Jesus. I suddenly gained a perspective about life I had never had up until that moment. I lift up my eyes to the hillsfrom where will my help come? This mountaintop experience takes place during a time of prayer! Perhaps they were previously lost, or filled with anger, depression, addiction, confusion. The Apostle who once fell at Jesus knees upon a miracle of Christ (Luke 5:1-11) now offers His skill in tent-making to the transfigured Messiah (Matt. Some of us may prefer to not be confronted with such a frightening voice whenever our Bibles are opened. Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Living on a spiritual high all the time would make for an exhausting life, but there are lessons we can take from each moment and implant them into our routines. I would classify Atlanta as a mountaintop experience. But Jesus saves the day, and then sends his disciples on deeper into the valley, urging them to have the kind of faith that can move mountains, because they were just on one. It also known valleys are quiet places of rest and peace. If youll notice, neither Moses nor Jesus retired on top of a mountain. Yet the valley has become a symbol of rough times and depression.I dont believe this should be true. Then in Matthew 17, Jesus is once again climbing a mountaintradition says it's Mt. Nighttime temperatures drop wellbelow zero, the air is razor-thin, and killer storms can strike without warning. the cloud which covered the Tabernacle with Gods glory. Horeb, which is described in the bible as the mountain of God. Later, Moses will climb Mt. It is always a good to say nothing when you dont know what to say! Ironically, the three disciples misunderstood nearly everything about that experience as it was occurring. That is what happens to Peter, James and John on that mountain. Personally, I find waiting very hard to do. This meditation allows us to digest the revelation so we can be more effective ambassadors for Christ. Jesus transformationcalled a transfigurationwas even more dramatic. This is the walk Jesus makes of his life. Not sure of the resources you need for Bible study? Our job is to share Gods reconciliation with them and bring them to the mountaintop for their own personal experience with God. 3. a huge amount: a mountain of mail. Recommended ResourcesEasy Bible Study Method, Bold LivingFaithSpiritual GrowthDevotions, I am an author, blogger, Bible teacher, and preacher. I have separated the list into Free Resources, Basic Resources, and Advanced Resources. Thousands of people would say the answer is to stand on the roof of the world, the summit of Mount Everest. One of the principles of listening to God speak through scripture is that you should notice what causes you to resist as well as resonate. Climbing the mountain we now claim as Mt. Father of 5 (David, Jenny, Elisha, Esther, Seth). Ironically, remaining on the summit for more than just a few minutes can be dangerous for climberseven life-threatening. But as Jesus and his inner circle stood on that mountain the Shekinah glory cloud overshadowed them. I created a Chill Pill playlist on YouTube for some relaxing vibes. Enjoy the teamwork of tackling 4WD challenges, being part of caring community and learning about history and nature as we travel. Carmel that Elijah staged his mesmerizing victory over 450 prophets of Baal when God breathed down fire from heaven at Elijahs request. the last of the apostles to die, he was exiled to the Isle of Patmos. My greatest insight from a week of mountain climbing came from the time spent at the bottom of the mountains. Copyright 2023 Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. It matters not that the mountain is composed of a lot of stuff. They saw things they had never seen before, they were aware of things they were never aware of before, they were in the presence of God! But those were all just moments. But then, out of nowhere, God's presence became real to them. goats), the guys get to the true subject at hand. On this mountaintop; theyre going to see who Jesus is; theyre going to see the glory of the son of God; theyre going to hear the voice of God as he says this is my beloved son. Jesus does not fall to temptation but whips the Devil soundly on the mountain, and the Evil One slinks away, biding his time until he can harass Jesus again. Thats because mountaintop experience is a figure of speech that comes right out of Holy Scripture. The transfiguration was a foreshadowing of that event, but Christs followers would not be able to clearly see that until after the resurrection. The voice of the father, encouraged Jesus in his preparation for the cross. Time to forget about any work you have to do, and treat the weekend as a weekend. But then, everything about Peters mountaintop experience changes. But make no mistake Jesus was the unrivalled son of God. But the ecstasy was short-lived because when Jesus predicted his suffering and death on a cross, Peter reacted so negatively to this unexpected news that Jesus said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! It is regularly updated with the latest 4WD developments, and with amusing anecdotes and stories . I do not capitalize the name satan in my writing. The relationships he had with family and friends had caused him both happiness and sorrow. to love God more than anything else, and love your neighbor as yourself. It is on the mountaintop we receive revelation from God, and it is where we often experience the tangible, felt presence of God. Now for the Lords prophetic word: This is what the Lord is saying to the people of Mountaintop Worship Center. there is only one way to be saved and that is through. Taborthis time with his three closest disciples, Peter, James, and John. The believers present experience of hearing the Word of God parallels the experience of hearing the voice of God on the mountain. With this idea, though, one final observation must be made. DISC Certification, Speaker Boot Camp etc. And dont forget that Jesus didnt make a move until he had spent his own forty days and night on top of a mountain, and thirty years plying his trade as a carpenter before that. We forget what God said to us when we approached the altar during that sermon. Jesus would die on the Cross, be buried in a borrowed tomb, and rise again three days later. Like you thought you grasped the concept of our large world, but then you realize its more incredible than you believed it to be. Husband of Orlena. V:35-And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, this is my beloved son: hear him. Now this isnt to say drop everything you are doing in life because it doesnt matter. As Christians, we long for experiences of the transcendent that we believe will forever change our perspective on life. The question is, will you enter into that change as you walk down the mountain into the valley? As Christians, when we know what we have, we never want to leave the mountain of God. To get on higher ground, to climb above the mundane, and get in the place where the glory of God can touch our lives, and we can see JESUS as He is in glory and power, and hear God speak to our hearts. Copyright www.personality-insights.com. adj. Unfortunately, busy schedules can interfere with reading time. as he tells you to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow him. That had to be a long six days. Challenging Standardized Test Words, Vol. from that experience knowing more about Jesus, more prepared to live and die for him! Maybe it was getting married or having children. Get our latest tips and leader helps with our free monthly e-newsletter. Especially if you have school work to do, background music can help fill the silence of late night studying. Yet, if we keep going and if we keep climbing, the sum total of all those experiences will keep us moving upward in the right direction. First things first, don't be afraid to talk openly about mountain top experiences with your students. How do we come down the mountain and begin living normal life while holding onto what weve learned? Notice, too, that mountaintops offer a perfect setting for life-changing transformation. When Jesus entered this world, he came as a man, he was born in a stable, wore peasant clothing, and worked as a carpenter in a small town. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Jesus is the. Jesus asked his disciples, who do you say that I am? For Christians, it seems that anything from a relaxing woods retreat to a Mountain-Dew-induced sugar-high at a youth conference can gain the mountaintop moniker. Telling the stories from our mountain tops with others, sharing the insights we have learned and intentionally seeking out stories from others about their time on the mountain. I doubt any of us will go there. When the back doors of the church opened, and there. The stress I feel towards a particular class is so small compared to what really matters in life. But the valley experience is just as important to our Christian walk. Jesus Christ, furthering His kingdom, and bringing glory to God through it all. If youve ever been to a mountaintop, then you are familiar with the sensation of inexplicable awe. Moses and Elijah were still alive and conscience though they had left the earth hundreds of years before this. In the presence of Jesus with the saints, talking about the Cross! Still others need to spend time contemplating it all in the quiet of their own prayers. Ron & Andrea Camier established Mountain-Top Experience in 1998 following Ron's retrenchment from brown coal research and development engineering due to the privatisation of the power industry. When the Word is preached, the power and majesty of God are communicated to His people. Moses still had flaws that would prevent him from entering the Promised Land. First, unlike other benefactors, God is unwaveringly benevolent. glory cloud Ezekiel saw rise from between the cherubim and move to the threshold of the Temple because of Israels apostasy and then slowly rising to be seen no more from the Mount of Olives. Moses who represents those who die; and Elijah who represent those who are caught up and never die; will both see Jesus in his glory! Maybe youve realized a new passion you have that you can practice in your community. You can read my full article about the importance of the mountaintop experience HERE. And suddenly, it appears like what we experienced was just an emotional reaction crafted by the situation at hand. Frankly, I cant imagine being stuck in a dense mountain fog for six days with absolutely nothing to do but look at the fog! Though it had not been easy, it had all been well worth the journey to get to where he wanted to be in life. the law and the prophets. Many people want special blessings, and mountain top experiences but they do not want to be dedicated to Jesus. To experience Christ in the midst of the Great Smoky Mountains. The sum total of all of the things he had done and experienced in life had brought him to the place where he stood at that moment in time. What is the purpose of a Mountain-top experience? And eventually Peter would deny the very one who changed his life. Dedication to the Lord still brings special blessings into our lives! Properly understood, it is something we receive just like our salvation. He has performed miracle after miracle and, in that mountaintop experience, my blinded eyes were healed. I thought about all the ways God had provided up until that day and I felt like a fool. At the very least, tell a fellow Christian about your decision and ask for guidance. for a mountain-top experiences is that you will: Jesus was not alone on the mountain, two famous men from the Old Testament show up. Then, only Moses and his associate, Joshua moved further up the mountain. Theyre moments when we experience God in an intense, intimate way. The one time I climbed a mountain of any size, I was amazed at how long I enjoyed spending time just looking at the view in the distance, enjoying the air, and experiencing the warm sun. Any place be it mountaintop, retreat center, or worship service, that can change you inside out should be considered dangerous. The cloud alone would have been enough to confirm Gods presence and blessings on Jesus. However, along the way there were broken relationships and many long hours of hard work and study. Wood burning fireplace, gas grill, washer and dryer, central heat. mountaintop synonyms, mountaintop pronunciation, mountaintop translation, English dictionary definition of mountaintop. Whoever has ears, let them hear. That is the reality of the experience of this thing we call life. Soon, weekends can be filled with park trips and beach adventures, but for now, the weather is temperamental, so a movie night can suffice. Afterwards, we go back into the valleys where we live our lives. Now would be the time to get involved in a church or Bible study. Waiting feels like a waste of my time. Finally, Jesus directed the three disciples not to tell others about their experience until after His resurrection. Send us feedback. Upon seeing Jesus shining as the sun, Peter offers a surprisingly casual and perhaps clueless initial response. No one deserves worship but Jesus! The Word communicated the fullness of the glory of God manifested to them. Im guessing most of us have had at least one episode in our lives wed call a mountaintop experience. . Mountains are a symbol of steadfastness. II. They are solid and unmovable. top maun-tn-tp Synonyms of mountaintop : the summit of a mountain Example Sentences Recent Examples on the Web Barkley spent his final four seasons with the Rockets, but the team's big threecomprised of him, as well as Olajuwon and Clyde Drexlerwas never able to get them back to the NBA mountaintop. What was the difference? Peter immediately recommended the building of three shelters, presumably so that all six people could stay together on the mountain indefinitely. Our God is an awesome God, and He loves to come to us in ways He knows will change us. You come down from the mountaintop ready for a changed life. Running Together: Evening Worship at 5:00. Moses is a prime example of this. V:36-And when the voice was passed, Jesus was found alone. Soaking in the memory of what God revealed to us on the mountain will remind us of our purpose in the valley. Stick with that original version of your mountain-top experience--the way you have experienced God. Both these men had talked with God on mountaintops before. The Holy Spirit really works through the sacrament of baptism. It is a high point in your life when youre with Gods people and Jesus in his glory shows up! This was the glory of God that had been veiled by his human flesh shining through. The fact that the transfiguration is reported in all three of the Synoptic Gospels (Matt. Three of Jesus disciples would no doubt put a different experience atop their list. We cant leave them behind us. For Jesus alone has the words of eternal life. 2nd Purpose for a mountain-top experiences is that you will: 2. They allow us to listen to our Christian books while driving, working, or cooking dinner. On one day, we drove to the top of the mountains on Trail Ridge Road that cuts right through Rocky Mountain National Park peaking at an elevation of 12,000 feet - a literal arctic tundra in northern Colorado. After his death, would come his resurrection and exaltation! revisiting them will prove a way to spur us on as we continue to live changed. adjective situated at the top or summit of a mountain: a mountaintop house. We all need spiritual refreshing from the presence of the Lord; we need encouragement that can come only from being in the presence of Jesus. Jesus was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. The person and name of Jesus is a name that is above every name! God's benevolence stretches this description to the breaking point. I love to see families encouraging and helping one another. In that silence, as I sat on the mountaintop looking at the miles and miles of land stretching out before me, I had what some might call a mountaintop experience.. Life is a continually ascending and descending in our religious experiences. Tag-along Tours run for past customers by the MTE club enable you to travel in your own 4WD vehicle, but with the confidence of knowing you are being looked after. He fulfilled what the. These three disciples are none as the inner circle; Jesus let them in on things the other disciples didnt get in on. You are a stumbling block to me. Jesus recognized the voice of the Evil One again, this time speaking through Peter, and he told him to back off. The High Mountain became the Holy Mountain because he saw the glory of Jesus there! One of the authors of the book, Sharon Swing says, Listening is the art of creating space so God can do His work in the heart of another., This time in Atlanta was a follow-up to similar work I did in Dallas two years ago. MTE's 4WD tag-along tours throughout the Victorian High Country and passenger tours around Walhalla became very popular . Next came the same audible voice from heaven that had spoken previously at Jesus baptism (Matt. 1:19). Jesus visage became as bright as the sun even as the long-dead Old Testament heroes Moses (representing the law) and Elijah (representing the prophets) appeared and talked with Jesus. Tabor. That could prove dangerous and manipulative. Jesus is greater than Moses, and Elijah! Most of us have had a similar experience, maybe not as intense, but a "mountain top" experience nonetheless. No wonder Peter fell to his face. But what, biblically speaking, is a mountaintop experience? Like the testing of Abraham (Genesis 22:1-19), the receiving of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 19-20:21) and, of course, the transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13). while Peter is still talking; God interrupts Peters speech. Like if you take one step forward you will fall endlessly and helplessly. The valley is not what you may think. But Jesus explained that Elijah had already come in the ministry of John the Baptist. Climbing the mountains in Western North Carolina with my former youth from Indiana who made it a tradition to climb together early in the morning and then share affirmations on the mountain top at the end of a Montreat Youth Conference.