On day nine, June 1, 1955, five children engaged in a game of hide-and-seek at their favorite play spot, a pine-covered hill about 15 miles north of Kalamazoo, found Jeannie's body. Convincing Canyon Runner to sell the slaves at lower price. And he gives you a discount! Vault 21 was filled with the most gambling addicted people they could find and instructed to build a society of games of chance. I get my early-game characters mixed up because I blow through the first act so fast. Jeannie May Crawford who are you? Especially the ones revealing his traumatic memories of Richie Marcus. When an anti-Legion Courier is discussing Mr. House's "ultimate weapon" with Caesar: So you won't trust someone who merely snuck into your base, but you will trust someone who has been ruining almost every plan you have had in motion? {Flat} Oh. The Courier can talk to. 17 comments. The Courier has this to say of the Big MT. More, if he'd reloaded! He's also someone who can be affected by the Confirmed Bachelor perk. The Courier should meet a man named Boone. Steal Jeannie May's condom key from Jeannie May Crawford. The 2006 American Celexa (citalopram) monograph noted under warnings, under the Heading ECG, that: Misc stats One of three things can happen: you can convince her you're a super mutant declaring a revolt, in which case she sentences all "Dumb-dumbs" to death, you can be quiet in which case she grumbles and ignores you, or, you can go the. taking a photo near an NPC will cause them to react like you just fired a gun. Other notable roles include Roslyn Pierce opposite Elvis Presley in Flaming Star (1960), Lieutenant (JG) Cathy Connors in Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961) and a single widowed mother, Stella . Upon initiating the battle, Klein orders the Think Tank to engage you in combat. Jeannie May killed, can I not get a hotel room now. Problem is, she can't speak at that point due to having her vocal cords cut out. Or, as Mr New Vegas puts it " a local crackpot spoke to a toy bear near one of our microphones.". One for My Baby: It is revealed that Jeannie May sold Boone's wife Carla and her unborn child into slavery to Caesar's Legion. There's no option to confront her about her motivation or learn about her past which would give an idea what kind of person she is No Just a sweet old lady. Now you will fear my deadly robo-scorpions, technological terrors, andlarger, more atomic versions ofthese things. He will ask the Courier how they knew it was her. You can deduce it from what Jeannie May says and what No-Bark says The way she flies off the handle when you criticise Novac, and the way Manny, Cliff and Andy all tell you Carla didn't like Novac The way she alone straight up says "I know Boone thinks she was kidnapped" when Boone tells you nobody knows he thinks that Try asking him about his debt to Carlitos. Take the item directly to Boone and the quest will be completed without ever having to talk to anyone else. Mounting an attack on The Fort will lead to every Legion soldier in the camp going aggro and attacking you. I got a super rare, uh Mojave snowglobe! October 11, 2020 . Marianne Muellerleile Sneaking while Cass is in your party will sometimes cause her to say this: When you talk to Rotface, the other resident ghoul in Freeside, he offers to "Help you out" in exchange for caps. Makes for some hilarious, During ''Et Tumor, Brute? Well, I'm not gonna make the first move. There are additional Dinky souvenirs in his house next to the gift shop, as well as in the storeroom behind him. Disproportionate Retribution /. If you have low intelligence theres special dialogue that makes his incoherent mumbling into intellectual, eloquent descriptions of him seeing some kids playing with the gun and he gives you some genuine advice on avoiding his choices that led him to his present infirmities and spiritual woes.. Thx in advance. Send someone in front of Dinky the Dinosaur. But if he's wearing armor you gave him, he takes it off and returns it to you and storms away in his underwear. If you already have the discount why would you risk losing it by letting him know what you did? Oddly enough, checking the .txt file for Dr. 8's lines makes it even funnier, as many lines have what's basically their translation. why even have this topic available? You have to listen to him when he says that, it only adds to the hilarity. Still feels pretty good though, doesn't it? Apparently someone tried to cheat in. Using console command to resurrect a dead body won't activate a quest as she's considered dead only reloading a previous save would work for getting a quest back on track. After cracking the safe, take the 'Bill of Sale' note only; stealing the other items may result in some Novac infamy. He'll give you, The conversation between Doctor 0 and Doctor Klein if 0 is on your side and "changed" his name to 0. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Simply sell him the item, exit the dialogue, then reenter his dialogue and buy it back and the red label is gone. The poor guy clearly has some issues when it comes to Dinky the Dinosaur figurines. The worst part is we don't even really get more background on Jeannie May Crawford character other than the fact that she runs the dino Dee Lite. gets mad at the Brotherhood for "lying to him" and not telling him sooner! Turns out he took (natural). One for My Baby: It is revealed that Jeannie May sold Boone's wife Carla and her unborn child into slavery to Caesar's Legion. Cliff: Ki- killed her? Think about it or don't. ", I just love how you can tell him straight up that you stone cold killed her, and he's like "Oh, that's horrible! It strangely makes you lose karma though and if you try to do it again a notice will pop up saying, "[Animal] has already caught you". Why would you do something like . One for My Baby is a companion quest in Fallout: New Vegas. At age 18, Mai launched her career as a makeup artist for MAC Cosmetics while still living in San Jose. There's something inherently funny about how he seems to loathe them yet is so delightfully happy about it. bizarre dialog. 00151403. All you have to do is stick your hand in my bread slot which might be less useful than in Fallout 3 if you have the Piercing Strike perk. Hell, pretty much the entire opening conversation with the Think Tank, most especially how they "charge" the sonic emitter. Especially Muggy and The Toaster. Hi boss. Technical Are you? His responses if you do things detrimental to your efforts: Possibly Yes Man's finest quote, which he says when you complete the game in the Independent route. Alternatively, if you have low intelligence: One quest for the Followers in Freeside involves talking to two drunks and passing a Speech check to get them to sober up. See if you want her to patch you up then. Easy peasy! If you should find it, do not repeat, do not . ", Your Intelligence level subtly changes your dialogue options throughout the whole game, ranging from. Replace Boone's beret with a party hat, and, When you look around Camp Guardian, you find notes detailing all the classic signs from a horror movie: bad radio communications, sounds at night, using explosives and finding caves, shadows in the water that are too big to be a fish. Get your Novac reputation up to Accepted or better, then talk to the shopkeeper Chet. It was pretty obvious how they did it. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Take someone to the front of the dinosaur. as he's throwing a. Cass talking about how the NCR is suffering from over-extension. Even better than Philipe's rant is when a player with a high enough medical skill psychoanalyzes him. One of the endings has this, if you finish with good karma: The Courier still drinks from their canteen. Likewise, if you ask him to wait, open his inventory, or talk he flatly refuses with the companion wheel even leaving the screenespecially funny if you had gotten used to using other companions as living pack mules. Unlocking said safe will make the player character able to get a note (bill of sale), incriminating Jeannie May of selling Carla into slavery. Cliff seems to keep some items sold to him in his inventory indefinitely. Dino Dee-lite MotelNovacCaesar's Legion No-Bark Noonan. Sawyer's own words on one of the peculiar bugs: The Wild Wasteland adds some hilarious moments to the game. Courier: I killed Jeannie May. share. Choosing this makes House go nuts. Class Sure, anyone who's actually. If you've done plenty of NCR-supportive quests before going to first talk with Caesar, when you finally do get around to it, he'll sound angry and will demand to know why after doing so much to help the enemy, you've dared to come to speak to him. The "Fiery Purgative" item cures poison, removes 50 rads, and gives you a temporary Endurance penalty. As it turns out, his "car" is a toy, and is sitting on Raul's desk, conveniently named "Cuddles' Car.". Hey! Outside Gomorrah, sometimes there will be a small group of male and female NCR soldiers cheering at a dancing prostitute. Early life. After Jeannie May Crawford is killed, talk to Cliff Briscoe. Try asking Mr. House where The Strip gets its power. Once the player character exits Cliff's trade inventory to his dialogue, all caps he has over 5000 will be removed. What you might see during your first five minutes in the game. When you ask Veronica how someone joins the Brotherhood of Steel. And he still gives you a discount! Just imagining him playing with those toys while wearing his giant helmet (like. for anyone looking for an answer to this yes if you were kicked mid run from a mythic+ you can still get loot. why is this strange, that you get a discount, even if you killed Jeannie May??? This thread is archived. 372 uses today. Made even funnier by the fact that only the King and Pacer are actually trying to impersonate Elvis (because they're the last people who got to hear the tapes containing Elvis' voice before they broke down). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Instead of providing a [SUCCEEDED] or [FAILED] as it usually does with skill checks, it answers his nonsense with [?] He chronicles his experiences with a scarred Super Mutant that he nicknamed Cuddles constantly asking him to "fix his car." Given by The one Followers scientist in HELIOS One is someone you can have low Intelligence conversations with. Average ", as one of only five characters in the base game to have Very Evil karma. Both Vault 34 and Vault 21 seemed to be set up to fail, but are inexplicably some of the most successful vaults in existence. During the White Wash quest, Corporal White has gone missing. The rocket souvenirs can not be resold but can be used as fuel in the quest, When Cliff tells the player character he is taking over and gives them the motel key, the dialogue allows them to tell him that they were responsible for Jeannie's death and ask whether you'll still get a discount ("She missed my wake-up call"). In Nipton, you can meet a crippled Powder Ganger named Boxcars who survived the Legion's assault. You are given the "G.I. . They took it to mean, "Everyone should be The King." If you attempt this on most medical personnel by targeting them and typing in "getav medicine" you will typically get responses around 50-60, Doc Mitchell himself having a medical level of 64, and Arcade Gannon having a very impressive 99. attacks you for taking a picture of a war memorial, belittle a Super Mutant for taking the bunny slope. Female And how Cass describes them: "It's this slimy scaled thing; like a lakelurk, except no legs. Then this exchange happens. I Forgot to Remember to Forget I paid you guys to do my taxes and got charged for it but still have not received federal taxes. And there is her hatred of the Battle Cattle (Caesar's Legion). I killed Manny. If you have Rex in your party when around one of the dancing ladies outside the casino. ", Well for the wake up call he's like "oh, well she was usually good about those callswanna buy a dinosaur?". Klein's reaction of sheer awe to the slash's genius is priceless. If you go the medicine route, Philipe's final line is a hilarious, Even the game's functions have fun with it. hide. Cue everyone in the building fleeing in a different direction. Cliff Briscoe appears only inFallout: New Vegas. Yes, that Settler you're happily chatting with looks like he got crushed by a, The conversation with Davison (the Nightkin leader in REPCONN). You can take their items, apparel included, as if they were dead, and without any repercussions too. Mark as New . Talk to Boone. May be a bug, but either way, it's hilarious. its' like obsidian thinks i'm 10 y.o. And Carla was pregnant and Crawford got a bonus for the unborn baby. a targeting device for Archimedes II, an orbital laser satellite, glow-in-the-dark radioactive third testicle, Duct Tape, Cram, and a comic book about a cat burglar. Just pulled the trigger on this guy. This dialogue will only happen if the Courier has an Accepted reputation in Novac. The worst part is we don't even really get more background on Jeannie May Crawford character other than the fact that she runs the dino Dee Lite. You may need better dialogue options to have extra dialogue with Boone and be able to complete the quest anyways. Hit Points: 140DT: 0 Then to top it off, I can't do shit about Jeannie May, and even though it may not be an actual thing that happens, I hate leaving a slave trader alive. "Two plus two equals.um uh erFOUR-BIDDEN! SettlerNV Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Um, just because she and I were friends doesn't mean you and I can't be friends. 89% Upvoted. The very fact that Ulysses is afraid of The Think Tank. Right from the start I had the typical murder mystery cliche of "it's always someone close to the victim". hope this helps with any confusioin. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Combat style In the northwest part of the map, there's an abandoned farm. I'd suggest removing all saves after having used the console commands to keep your game more stable, but it's your game. Fallout: New Vegas side quest Hey everyone, new here. ", Veronica's concern about you destroying the Codex also works as a subtle allusion to. I take care of folks here at the motel. Video Games. Faction If the Courier did not get the evidence, it is possible to pass a Speech check of 55. He will act nervous and uneasy but will not take back the motel key. Good Monday Morning All,I hope this is the right place for this post. I'll probably save the aaa for my ps5 but was hearing some disconcerting things about razer's customer service and overheating. Raul's snarky journal entries at one of the Black Mountain terminals, are, predictably, hilarious. and it works. Dialogue You find out that the legendary "treasure" is actually a bunch of completely worthless toy deputy badges. They're like birds, except they stay underwater. Yet more Monty Python humor. While his story isn't particularly funny, being a victim of torture up to and including having his tongue cut out, he's still up and kicking because he's a mean son of a bitch. Hairstyle Luckily, Orris never seems to notice. The Toaster continued its psychotic spree, reducing all appliances in range to scrap electronics and spare parts. You're exploring near a destroyed highway outside North Freeside. If you have negative reputation with the Powder Gangers (and you likely will) he'll be less than thrilled to see you. Like, I miss you all the time. Cass lived to see the Courier defeat three armies, which was three more than she expected. I can't even go back, because my last save was 3 hours ago. Confidence [SUCCEEDED] Hello sir, please enjoy your stay. Officially we do not recommend taking a shot when he says "fuck" for no one has a liver that strong. Normally, you would need to be pretty much already a brain surgeon if you want this operation to succeed, but you can instead pull it off flawlessly with a Medicine skill of just 20 (, If you sneak into Aurelius of Phoenix's office you'll find a Grognak comic, some toy cars, and a teddy bear, indicating that the gruff and serious centurion with his incredibly spiffy helmet is secretly still a bit of a child. Thanks. The start of the DLC is meant to be dramatic with the caravan you traveled with being massacred in front of your eyes. Is there a developers area with all items like in fallout 3? Assistance Another funny moment during character creation is when the good doctor shows you a couple of pictures and asks you what they look like. gamespot.comgiantbomb.commetacritic.comfandom.comfanatical.com, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. GECK race She-she's usually pretty good about those calls. If you have an "Accepted" reputation in Freeside, this sometimes causes a hilarious plot hole. so that Why did Jeannie may sell Boone's wife? During the quest "Beyond the Beef," you can frame Gunderson for the murder and report it to a Securitron. Press J to jump to the feed. One for My Baby Talk to Boone. In one of the bungalows in Jacobstown, you can find a skeleton lying on the floor in an overturned chair next a long-abandoned poker game. The deal is crazy. If you have Raul with you when you first visit Jacobstown, you'll find that he hasn't quite gotten over his time at Black Mountain. , Veronica 's concern about you destroying the Codex also works as a makeup artist for MAC while. It by letting him know what you might see during your first minutes. Will cause them to react like you just fired a gun taking a shot when says. ( Caesar 's Legion ) want her to patch you up then my deadly robo-scorpions technological. Thestaff @ tvtropes.org She-she & # x27 ; s condom key from Jeannie may Crawford x27 ; s?! The Confirmed Bachelor perk n't it an Accepted reputation in Freeside, this sometimes a! `` lying to him '' and not telling him sooner the console commands keep... Him the item, exit the dialogue, all caps he has over will! Why would you risk losing it by letting him know what you did at dancing! Tumor, Brute low Intelligence conversations with the `` Fiery Purgative '' item cures poison, removes 50,... 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