This move is the finisher of Charlie Haas. Get your opponent on the floor. There are also variations of the anaconda vise that are combined with a straight jacket choke, called Anaconda Max and a cobra clutch, called Anaconda Cross. This is a transition hold for moves such as a two-handed chokeslam and a chokebomb. His nephew Bron Breakker has also used the standing version as well. The attacking wrestler traps one of the prone opponent's arms in their legs, wraps the opponent's other arm under the attacker's shoulder, and then applies the crossface. A chokelift can be used as well if the wrestler were to perform a chokebomb or a two-handed chokeslam. Johnny Valentine, who often With the same arm, they reach around the ankle and through the opening formed by the legs and lock their hands together. This would result in the opponent's arm being shaped into a 4. A wrestler approaches a sitting opponent from in front, behind, or either side. The Rated R Superstar, Edge used this variation, calling it the Edge-u-cator. WebThe locking mechanism is similar to the kimura lock, but instead of using a figure-four, it is applied using a leg. The technique is also used to trap an opponent while the attacking wrestler runs at them and delivers some form of offensive maneuver, such as a running knee attack or a baseball slide. The wrestler places one foot down just above each of the opponent's knees and bends their legs up, hooking them around their own knees; at this point the wrestler grasps both of their opponent's wrists (usually slapping the opponent's back in an attempt to bring the arms in reach), and can either do three things: Remain standing, fall into a seated position, or fall backwards while compressing the opponent's shoulder blades and lifting them off the ground. 3 HBK's Sweet Chin Music. The wrestler exits the ring to the outside and drags the opponent by the legs towards the ring post, so that the post is between the opponent's legs (similar to when somebody 'crotches' their opponent with the ringpost). This hold applies pressure on the opponent's temples and calves and compresses the spine. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. With the opponent lying face down, the wrestler sits beside the opponent, facing the same way, locks on the cobra clutch, and then arches their legs and back, bending the opponent's torso and neck upwards. The wrestler then reaches forwards and applies a chinlock as in a standard camel clutch, leaning backwards to apply pressure to the upper back and arm. Opponent Down - Face Up Near Legs, Move Craft. Bobby Roode used the same move in TNA, but not in the WWE since 2016. A standing version can also be applied, which sees a standing wrestler place one of their legs between the legs of a face-down opponent and then bend one leg behind the leg of the wrestler, placing it on top of the knee pit of the opponent's other leg. Posted . Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D uses this move with a mandible claw hold named the Lockjaw. The attacking wrestler tucks the opponent's top/back of the head into their own chest and wraps an arm around the opponent's neck so that their forearm is pressed against the opponent's throat. Next, the wrestler turns their opponent over so that they are on their knees with all four of their limbs trapped underneath. An inverted variation is also possible, which was commonly used by Big John Studd. This move can also be compared to the Figure-four leglock. This move commonly sees an attacking wrestler dive over an opponent who is facing them, usually bent over forwards, catching the opponent in a waistlock from behind and landing back-first behind the opponent. While this can inflict pain on its own, it is most often used as a transition hold, leading into either a hammer lock, an elbow to the held arm, or kicks to the opponent's abdominal area. In this variation of the triangle choke, the wrestler sits behind a seated opponent. Also known as an inverted sharpshooter combined with a double chickenwing, this hold sets up the same as the sharpshooter, with the opponent supine on the mat with the applying wrestler stepping between the opponent's legs with their right leg and wrapping the opponent's legs at shin level around that leg. To do this, the opponent's legs are then hooked under the top ropes, leaving the opponent facing the attacking wrestler, upside down. A standing version of this move also exists which was innovated by Ken Shamrock, this is known as an Ankle Lock. The wrestler then reaches over and bends one leg so that the shin is behind the knee of the straight leg and places the ankle of the straight leg in their armpit. The throw still inflicts the full damage when reversed, but the 8 Jeff Hardy's Whisper In The Wind. The opponent is on his stomach with the attacker to his side, grabbing the near arm and pulling the opponent on his side before stepping over his head with the same leg (if the attacker grabbed the right arm, he'll step over with the right leg). Similar to a crossface, this move sees a wrestler standing above a face-down opponent. This move was popularized in WWE by Brock Lesnar, where he would use it often to (kayfabe) break his opponent's arm. Wrestlers use a modified version, where they only push the shin into the throat in exactly the same manner (instead of grabbing their toes and pulling towards themselves). Batista also used this as the Batista Bite and PAC uses this as The Brutalizer. The neck is squeezed inside the arm very tightly. 7 Ric Flair's Figure 4 Leg Lock. Torture Figure 4 Leg Lock. Also known as a headscissors crucifix choke, the opponent is sitting while the wrestler is behind the opponent holding the opponent's wrist. The wrestler then places their free leg on the instep of the leg which is already being used to choke the opponent. WWE wrestler Carmella uses an inverted variant of this hold as her finisher where she uses her shin to choke the opponent instead, making it resemble a gogoplata. Essentially a scissored armbar with neck submission. The wrestler faces their opponent, who is bent over. Oct 23, 2020 @ 6:07pm. The atomic drop is the "common" version of the move, and the "Inverted Electric chair" (Silla Elctrica invertida in Spanish) sets the attacking wrestler running towards a seated opponent both facing forward, then leaping and falling into a seated senton on the opponent's nape and shoulders. While the move is primarily a submission move, if the opponent has their shoulders on the mat, the referee can make a three count for a pinfall. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. This was used by Johnny Saint as the Johnny Saint Special. This is also called a "reverse chancery". Short for "stepover toehold sleeper", this hold is a modified version of an STF in which the wrestler wraps their arm around the neck of the opponent in a sleeper hold instead of pulling back on the head of the opponent. The wrestler stands in front of and with their back to a standing opponent. The wrestler then slips one foot in front of the opponent's head and under their chin, locks their hands behind the opponent's head, and chokes the opponent by pressing their shin or instep against the opponent's trachea. Variations of this can include clasping the opponent's hand instead of hooking the upper arm, for extra leverage and bridging out, while performing the move to increase leverage and immobilize the opponent. But unlike the standard guillotine choke, the wrestler tucks the other wrestler's head so that the face the opposite direction of a guillotine choke. The wrestler tucks a bent-over opponent's head in between their legs or thighs. This move sees the attacker kneel behind a sitting opponent and wrap around one arm under the opponent's chin and lock their hands. This variant has been used by Alberto Del Rio, A.J. The performer of the hold then falls back while grabbing the opponent's legs or feet, hanging upside down from the ring apron. This variation begins with the wrestler standing on either side of the bent-over opponent. Also known as a stomach vice, just like the original clawhold, the attacker applies a painful nerve hold to the adversary's abdomen, forcing them to submit or pass out. The double underhook variant is often seen when the hold is used to transition to another maneuver, such as a backbreaker drop or inverted powerbomb. A wrestler can repeatedly step over the leg and around again to twist the knee and ankle joints even more. The opponent is on their back with the attacker sitting beside them and grabbing the nearest arm. Also known as a bridging wrist lock. It is used by Cody as the American Nightmare. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. The wrestler then places their left arm over and around the opponent's arm while grasping their own wrist. Also commonly known as a dragon bite, this move sees the attacking wrestler behind a standing opponent, pulling them backwards into an inverted facelock and wrapping their legs around the opponent's body with a body scissors. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. The move can be done while the opponent is standing upright or lifted off the ground, usually with their legs wrapped around the attacking wrestler's waist. Often referred to as the LeBell Lock, named for Gene LeBell, Daniel Bryan began popularizing the move under the name Yes Lock when he joined WWE. Description Discussions 0 Comments 1 Change Notes 1 . This leg cross indicates that an argumentative or competitive attitude exists. The opponent begins supine, lying with their back on the bottom or second rope and facing into the ring. [3] Although Foley popularized the move, it was invented by Sam Sheppard, a physician who was wrongfully convicted of his wife's murder in 1954; after his conviction was overturned in 1966, Sheppard took up professional wrestling and was said to have derived the move from his knowledge of human anatomy. This submission hold involves a combination of the figure-four leglock and the ankle lock. In an illegal version of the hold, best described as a hanging figure-four necklock, the wrestler stands on top of the turnbuckle, wraps their legs around the head of the opponent (who has their back turned against the turnbuckle) in the figure-four and falls backwards, choking the opponent. Asuka also uses this variation. The figure-four leg-lock is a wrestling submission hold that affects the leg and ankle of your opponent. Aleister Black uses a variation where he reaches behind his back and clamps his hands together, he names the move, Dark Ritual. Austin Aries uses a bridging variation called Last Chancery as one of his finishing moves. This hold is often used in conjunction with a hold applied to the head or the arms in order to restrain the opponent. They then roll back so that the opponent is suspended on their knees above them, facing up. Also known as an arm-trap triangle choke. The wrestler stands behind their opponent and bends the opponent backwards. A body scissors version exists as well. While the grab cannot be escaped in Tekken 2, the Figure Four Leg Lock can be reversed with 3+4 with the right timing. This counter to the figure-four is often called a "modified Indian deathlock" or sometimes referred to as a "sharpshooter variant". Also known as a spinning armlock. File Size . 4.0 0x. He called this move the Lasso from El Paso and used the move until adopting an elevated cloverleaf referring to it as the same name. The locking mechanism is similar to the kimura lock, but instead of using a figure-four, it is applied using a leg. Backlund's version of the hold incorporates the bodyscissors portion. Then, the wrestler passes their other free arm through the "hole" formed by the opponent's bent arm under the biceps, and then catches the opponent's grappled wrist. The Undertaker used this as his submission finisher, calling it Hell's Gate. The wrestler then places their own spare arm under the other hand and over the opponent's back to lock in the hold, compressing the opponent's neck. This version of a surfboard sees a standing or kneeling wrestler take hold of both of a kneeling or seated opponent's wrists and cross their arms over, applying pressure to both the opponent's arms and shoulders. Used by Yoshi-Hashi as Butterfly Lock. Invented by Masahiro Chono. Similar to a double underhook, but only one arm is underhooked and the head of the opponent is placed into a front facelock. The move can be also applied by running towards the opponent and then performing the flip when next to them. The legs are used to control the movement of the opponent's body while the opponent's foot is twisted by holding the heel with the forearm and using the whole body to generate a twisting motion, hence creating severe medial torque on the ankle. Usually executed from a "rubber guard," where the legs are held very high, against the opponent's upper back. The wrestler then grabs hold of the wrist of that arm and pulls it upwards, causing hyper extension of the shoulder and elbow. This move is also being used by indie wrestler The Silent Warrior, a wrestler who is Deaf. The opponent is on his back, wrestler standing to his side and reaching down to grab the opponent's far arm, pulling up. The move was also popularized in the States by Sting, who called the hold the Scorpion Death Lock and applied the hold from a seated position. The wrestler then leans backwards and seizes the opponent around the waist, pulling them forward and upwards so they are lying across the shoulder of the opponent, facing downwards. The thumb (and sometimes palm) of the same hand is placed under the jaw, and pressure is applied downward by the middle and ring fingers while the thumb/palm forces the jaw upwards, which is purported to compress the nerves in the jaw and thus render the opponent's jaw paralyzed; this, therefore, prevents the opponent from breaking the hold by biting the wrestler's fingers, as Mankind explained to Vince McMahon when questioned about it during his interviews prior to joining the WWF in 1996. How to do the figure 4 leg lock Santino Bros. Wrestling 112K subscribers 383K views 4 years ago Head trainer Robbie Phoenix takes you step-by-step and shows A reverse version also exists, with the opponent lying on their back, the wrestler lies on the mat, putting some or all of their weight on the opponent to prevent them from moving. No need to use energy. The wrestler then grabs one of the opponent's arms in a stepover armlock, turning 360 so the opponent's arm is bent around the leg of the attacking wrestler. Also known as an "arm-trap half nelson sleeper", the wrestler stands behind the opponent and uses one arm to place the opponent in a half nelson. WebBody triangle or Figure-four body lock is achieved by first crossing the ankles, grasping the heel of one foot and pulling that foot into the opposite knee, this creates the signature 4. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 73,781 times. 3. Put his/her left ankle on his/her right kneecap so it looks like the digit 4. Also known as an "Octopus stretch" and Manji-gatame (Japanese version), the wrestler stands behind the opponent and hooks a leg over the opponent's opposite leg. The attacking wrestler stands over a face-down opponent, facing the same direction. Speaking to the The rope-hung figure-four armlock can be also grappled through the bottom rope, if the opponent is lying against it. Do the following while maintaining a hold of his right ankle: Push your However, this move is mainly limited to opponents with great flexibility. The wrestler sits on either side of an opponent who is lying either prone or supine on the mat, with the wrestler's legs scissoring one of the opponent's arms. 1 Change Note Created by. The wrestler then pulls the opponent's head backwards and up, wrenching the opponent's neck. 4/18/10 6:00 AM. Slaughter and Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, who called it the Anvilizer, as well as Ted DiBiase Sr. and Jr., who called it the Million Dollar Dream. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. The armbar's innovation was reportedly 200 years ago, but its true origins remain unknown. This variation of the cloverleaf sees the wrestler, after crossing one of the opponent's legs over the other in a figure four shape, lock the over leg behind their near knee before placing the straight leg under their armpit and turning over. The wrestler stands over a prone opponent's back and tucks the opponent's arms under their armpits. This move is also sometimes dubbed the King Crab Lock. Some holds are meant neither to pin an opponent, nor weaken them nor force them to submit, but are intended to set up the opponent for another attack. Being shaped into a 4 `` sharpshooter variant '' lock, but its true remain..., if the wrestler turns their opponent, facing the same move in TNA, not. Above a face-down opponent, facing up lock, but the 8 Jeff Hardy 's Whisper in the 's. 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