That sounds weird but it is indeed fluffy with BDSM, lol. I havent feared death for a long time. Very fun and playful one-shot AU where Regina is a classical pianist and Emma is a keyboardist in a rock band, and they fall delightfully in love within two days. A universe where I really hope the author will continue to write more stories in. Emma snapped back. I can't find it and I really want to re-read it! Plot: What if the dubious maintext and glorious subtext in season 3B switched places? However, what happens when she gets too cocky during a game? Therell be precious few hours where she doesnt broil in the bug. All the villains from different fairy tales gathered in Storybrooke with a purpose; destroying all heroes' happy endings. He collects his clothes scattered here and there and clothes itself. Length: 42,000 words. Engaged to Killian 'Hook' Jones, Emma realizes that maybe she isn't actually happy with how things turned out for her. Aut Vincere Aut Mori by Lysachan (Complete). No really, its the first on my list of SQ recommendations) heres the link and description: The writing is taut and the tension can get unbearable. Had me in tears. I am addicted to read. The Debt by Scribes and Scrolls (Complete; Sequel completed too). I have a soft spot for Evil!Emma fics, and this is really enjoyable. Let's have a personal and meaningful conversation and thanks for stopping by! Emma had always been a bit different according to her father, but was it really that bad? Regina, residing in NYC as a 30 year old lawyer. The two women will have to learn how to work together in order to find a way out, although it may prove to not be so easy. I have been looking for a new SwanQueen story and I havent heard of almost any of these ones yet. Except wanting is dangerous. I really wish the author will write more SQ fics. Emma ends up finding a little boy out side her apartment that ends up leading her to a driven hard working business woman living in a giant mansion. Very very long fic (111 chapters! None of them could know what she was. Well, perhaps this assignment would not be too horrendous. And Regina isnt as loathe to talk to the blonde. If you are none of the above, try it as the author has managed to capture the dreary atmosphere of a wasteland world and still leave you with hope at the end. Its neat how the author manages to reference key moments of the show within her own plot as her story moves along. Regina Mills, Henrys other mother. Regina took the front of the sadle, leaving poor Emma to cling onto Regina's waist at the speed they traveled. Finding herself slowly falling hopelessly in love, she comes to discover not only Emma's hidden world, but . Also, I had no idea where to even start! A character study with a heavier focus on Emma. Everything was different now. Addictive stuff. Emma refuses to leave her side. Has the moon always been this bright? And even better than that? Emma feels that she could stand here and watch the moon all night. Everything goes dark. If you do, then this fic is perfect for you. No matter what she was about to see, Regina didnt know if she could emotionally handle it. I PROMpassing out | vertigo | collapse. Imagine Me and You by Bayloriffic(Complete). Its a loooong list (80 fics total) but diverse enough you should find something enjoyable. I love this so much its literally one of the best things Ive ever read. A wonderful fic you will want to reread while waiting patiently for a new chapter. "You want me of all people to teach you? A tour de force in angst., (Sorry if that summary description fails! Ill be updating this list regularly I guess! :) enjoy! Ink that decides fate or fate already written in another kind of ink? The one-liners are killers too. Officer in training by day, babysitter by night, Emma tends to keep fairly busy. Please add only the first fanfic in a series to avoid clogging the list. They sent it. I really enjoyed reading whats available so far, and really want to read more. Regina shrugged. ABC owns the OUAT characters I just borrowed their names and personalities. Never has it been so mesmerising, so beautiful. All of these questions will be answered in The Darkness. Fate was a difficult thing to play with. Emma is mad and embarrassed. And maybe, just maybe, Regina wouldnt have become the Evil Queen if more people were willing to help her!, You lost your wings trying to find Reginas soul matethey will return when that task is complete. The love and acceptance Regina so desperately craved fell into step with the pain her mother convinced her she deserved, forcing her down a path paved with all the bad choices that Regina felt forever compelled to make. When a missing wolf and a dead body smell like imminent trouble for the werewolves of Portland, she returns home to the city to track down whoever's responsible. To quote a reviewer after reading the first chapter, I HAD NO IDEA I NEEDED THIS UNTIL JUST NOW. Yes I agree, completely. That Drunken Night (I Hardly Remember) by Corikane (Complete). The Secrets in the Telling by Pyrophoric (Complete). Emma said and shot Regina a 'Dont even say your real name' look. As years go on, she desperately tries to find love, to find someone who will love her again. Regina helps to deliver Emmas baby and they start raising little Allison together with big bro Henry. Really great work, I thoroughly enjoy reading it. Now she's standing in front of Killian Jones, and he's vowing to win her heart, without any games, without any trickery, and the bad thing is a part of her wants it. Ten years ago Emma Swan used to be different. Despite being strong, sometimes saviors break down too. I recommend it! Delightful work sprinkled with little details and touches that are very enjoyable. Those are truly awesome stories! Emma yelled angrily. it reminded me of the Black elders series but with. A Beautiful Monster by Hope2x (In Progress) A Evil!Emma fic, set in FTL where Emma is Regina's dark and devoted knight. All the best Emma Swan/Regina Mills (Swan Queen) fanfic. I dont really read baby fics, but this is an exception. Emma has a magical mishap and Regina has to take care of her. It was then that Mulan and Aurora returned with a strange animal, but looked satesfied. Hes frowning in the kind of thoughtful way that only a child his age can pull off. She hasn't paid it any mind, but now as winter approaches and Emma vanishes, Regina is forced to go looking for her. *super short one shot*, Alternative Universe where Regina and Emma met on the Internet and made their dreams come true. This was the eighth time this had happened now, or maybe the ninth, because she wasnt certain about the first night, whether her mind had been playing tricks on her or whether someone had been there. Yawning again, she put her bowl down on the coffee table and let her head fall back against the couch. Lost In Translation purplehearshey (one of the best) What happens when this two meet due to a murder investigation? The catch is the boy is both their son. In more ways than just physically. The Queen was , but the Savior was ready to put her pieces . Why does it have to be more than that?, Plot: Swan Queen road trip! Perfectly manicured nails dug into soft flesh and Regina arched her back, her mind growing hazy as she sought oblivion, needing to forget, even for a moment, how damaging this had all become. Im not criticizing your choices. It was really freaking cool. She grins at his enthusiasm. Emma and Regina where both fourteen when they mated. (Y.O.L.O stands for: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE) How did you guess?, Your friend said you were some big business tycoon or something, the blonde answered as she plopped heavily back down into her seat. Emma wonders. Her soulmate? You guys rock! The Enchanted Phallus by Exquisiteliltart. Its basically fluff taking place a couple of years after season 4, where Emma and Regina live together to raise Henry and have fallen in love with each other through their daily interactions, but have yet to take notice of it yet. Swan QueenWitchy!ReginaWerewolf!EmmaG!p Emma. about This is a place to find recommendations of Swan Queen fanfiction stories as well as asking for help in finding stories. Mas, o destino . Emma held out a hand, she decided not to piss off the scary evil queen who probably had more magic here then in storybrook. I love this fandom! In progress but a gorgeous work. Fan Fiction Friday: 25 Swan Queen Stories to Make You Wish . This is a Swan Queen AU, I normally I don't really like AU's but there are a few I like, and I thought of an idea so I guess we will just see how it goes. Emma knew this was bound to happen she just didn't expect it to happen this quick. Henry is adorable here, and its delightful to witness Regina and Emmas growing attraction for each other. Regina sneered, she sounded anything but happy. Anything by Ames78, amycarey, foxbones, pyrophonic, deemn, devje or reagancrew, Reading right now:, Is it possible to get addicted to reading??? More than 1000 kudos on A03 already and deservedly so. 2) His mom is innocent. Beautiful story, well written. Somewhere, someone must know the ending by Maleficently (Complete). It rarely could be helped. Swanqueen Supernatural AU, with Alpha lycan!Emma, Witch!Regina. ", "I suggest you tell your parents or the mayor, sooner or later they'll find out.". set in FTL and later on Storybrooke. Regina is the Mayor of Storybrooke. Do you enjoy RPGs like Dragon Age? A dark cloud settled over the area and he could hear a growling shout from the hill top. net because its the largest sample size) and came up with this: Harry Potter has averaged 2,800 fics per year per thing(movie or book), whilst OUaT is 2,430 per year per thing. Sixteen-year old Emma Swan is determined to simply survive her final foster home before she ages out of the system, but Storybrooke, Maine, turns out to have more in store for her than she ever imagined. On your suicide mission, trying to help the Evil Queen?, Lets be clear: I lost my wings because you took them away. On Hiatus as working on other projects that better represent me as a writer, this book is honestly Four's Game (SEU, #1) [ongoing publication]. Plot: Emma is alone and afraid and desperate to be loved. I have read tons of fanfiction and fiction alike that is beautifully written and this is just aweak piece of work, in the grand scheme of things. She took a deep breath as she stood at her sons bedroom door. Length: 19,000 words. I'm sure you do. So basically the TV show Bones with Once Upon A Time characters. "This is Mulan and Aurora." Help me up." If you guys need a copy of fics that are already taken down i probably have it. Women were strange in that wayalways scanning one another, sizing one another up; often comparing themselves to others. The woman beside the warrior asked, "Yes, they traveled here with that Wraith. Expect the twist. It was Emmas fate to come to Storybrook and break the curse. So here is a list of books by Swen writers that were originally Swan Queen fanfictions: feel free to add to the list if I missed any ;), Dear Taylor , originally Letters from war by @hunnyfresh, An absolutely beautiful Swan Queen fic by devandclomthat I just finished reading. Set at the end of Season 2, where Regina needs Emmas help to dispel the large amount of fairy dust she sucked in from the portal. This fic will suck you in slowly and the simmering attraction between Emma and Regina is wonderful. Hookhas his appeal, but Id have never thought youd find true love with-. Pretty much anything by Chrmdpoet and youre set. Dont forget Dual Instinct by Dakota829Snow, because thats really great and there is a great youtube promo as well. Length: 48,000 words. and of course the one that got me started reading SwanQueen in the first place, Enchanted by Queen Nan. Mulan said as she held out a hand to help Emma up. Regina snapped and shuddered as she mentioned Emna's mother. Regina is a ruthless Mafia boss, and Emma becomes her Well, I dont want to spoil it so you just have to read it to find out. She never wanted it to happen. Tag Page Author Page. When Lana is no where to be found, Jennifer is asked to go and find her. Regina scowled when she looked up to see Emma inbetween Mulan and Aurora. "You think I dont know The Evil Queen when I see her!?" Older Emma and Regina have to grapple with their mutual attraction of both their younger and current selves while attempting to solve the mystery. I cant sleep without you anyway, Regina always tells her. She wanted a Home a true home she needed to feel it, where she would be home. No ones going to hurt you while Im around, okay? One 3.1K 76 4 by ClaraOswinOswald Share Theyre all happy. Very light and funny, huge fun to read. Summary: Something goes terribly wrong when the Jolly Roger falls into the portal. She knew Emma would wish to talk more before finally succumbing to sleep, so she mentally prepared herself for the storm of comments and questions from her curious daughter that began nearly as soon as her own words had left her mouth. Im the best guard here, you might want to keep that in mind.. With rickety black glasses and a swinging free, swinging careless ponytail, chasing after a guy who was gonna teach her all these neat little tricks to help her survive on the streets. So is Regina. But then she stole the watches and he took them without taking her. Its awesome. Theres an explosion and, next thing Emma knows, is that shes on a desert island, trapped with Regina Mills. Love all swan/queen but cant find a place that i can read the princessand the prisoner..did it get takin down or.. Yay! Fantastic fic that inspired a superb vid. For real. Nothing is really what it seems, and the author just traps you in her dark web. "I just stopped her killing you and your foolish enough to point a blade at her?" I'm going to correct this story because I don't know what happened to me to damage something that was going so well.I already look like a producer of SQ or SC and what a horror, firstly hetero than homophobic. The Princess continued to glare but stepped back and stalked towards the palace. Light-hearted and thoroughly engaging story, where Regina and Emma find themselves suddenly stuck in an unbreakable magic marriage contract. I couldnt stop laughing when reading it, its hilarious. They might all end up traumatized. Already added it to my collection of epub. Death is only a motivator for those who fear it. by coalitiongirl, The Princess and The Prisoner by Chrmdpoet, Everything We Know About Freddie Gray & the Baltimore Uprising and How You Can Help,, Lesbian and Bisexual Teens Sure Did Have A Lot Of Sex, Study Shows, Hazel Newlevant Is Here To Draw Cool Comics, Win Prestigious Grants, Anonymous Sex Toy Review: The Kink Kits Spank Box, Pop Culture Fix: Kristen Stewart Spills Her Literal Lesbian Guts in Love Lies Bleeding. Length: Two emotionally wounded women healing from their pasts, finding each other in the present, and planning a future. "Well, Yeah, but you dont need to kill them, Henry thought you was changing for the better!" 3.18K subscribers ENG: Emma slipped off the makeshift bed on the floor, being careful not to wake the sleeping next blackberry. "Im ridding us of two people whom will slow us down, do you not want to go back to Storybrook?" Although its a one-shot police AU, the author manages to flesh out the setting and characters fully. As a means to protect themselves and the Land Without Magic, Regina and Rumplestiltskin create a spell to lock all the villains inside town, with the intention of leaving them there, forever stuck in Storybrooke. Only three chapters, but a really good three chapters. "Still, better to rid us of her," Mulan shrugged and dived forward with her blade, aiming for Regina's heart. Emma and Henry kidnaps Regina, taking her away from Storybrooke so she can begin a process of healing. Vampire fics are plenty, but this stands heads and shoulders apart. They were in an off period just now, the result of a huge fight over Henry. However, what Emma didn't realize was that ride is only to Regina's house. When Emma is put under a curse, she must learn to rely on her family while her parents do everything in their power to save her. Swan Queen with Emma starting at 17 yrs old, progressing into 22 Rated M for triggers and sexual situations. *Graphic parts may be added, also this is set as if the cu Jennifer has reoccurring thoughts of Lana on set. Charming naively thought that Emma would only be a few months old the first time he saw her be sick but, as luck would have it or more like as the curse would have it that particular first happens when Emma is almost thirty. The second day? I am. First day is a bust. Please consider turning it on! Really enjoyable story where Emma Swan, gunslinger, rescues local brothel Madame, Regina, from mob when she sheltered a runaway girl but the town thought she was pressing her into service., Letters from War By Hunnyfresh (In Progress). Work Search: Seriously, do heed the warnings if you need to. The savior has spent the better part of their marriage insisting that her wife doesnt need to wait up for her on nights like this, but she lost that battle years ago. (And when youre done, please do go request ByTheDawn for a sequel :p). Great author who already has several wonderful SQ AUs under her belt. Shotgun shuts. "You think you can stop me?" Theres no need to shout, dear, Regina comes out of the bathroom, still slipping the back onto her second earring. "This. In the dim light, all she could make out was Emmas silhouette, but the magical connection between themthe one which Emma preferred not to acknowledgeallowed her to sense the other womans mood. Charlotte, unsurprisingly, is occupying the spot right next to the brunette. The Storybrooke Connection by Absedarian (Complete). I was amazed she managed to do it in a single chapter. Follow If You Lead by MaybeWeAre (Complete). So Does This Make Us Both the Other Woman and The Secrets in the Telling are my two favourites, but Ive read almost every fic on this list and would recommend them all! But if she would have known the circumstances under which her prayers would be answered, she would have taken them back. Its barely light out, the sun low in the sky and the omnipresent heat of summer not yet risen. Emma is sick and getting worse with each passing day, she doesn't say anything to anyone until she passes out at Granny's and a lot of things happen along the way. ', Regina arched an eyebrow at the young womans blunt speech but she could hardly help a chuckle from escaping as she lowered herself into the seat across from her. She knows nothing about her, except for her name. Regina Mills.Alexandra has a dark past and has lived an even darker day that she now sees as the turning point in her life. Why is it always true love with you people? Emma demands, stabbing at her plate so violently that it tips to one side with a loud scrape against the table. Its a little gem of a work. All I Wanna Do by Raug-moss (In Progress). I'm going to hell for what I've done in this - I'M SO SORRY! Whitewater Palace VioletScented Seriously, give yourself a Saturday and Sunday and go read it! *Mature Content Completed killianjones onceuponatime ouat +13 more # 9 You Saved Me, Now I Save You by BrendaChenowith 1.6K 77 9 There is nothing in the world that we can count on. Regina is a senior detective and Emma her new junior partner. No Henry here, instead we get a lovable OC. She covered her mouth as she slowly approached the bed, sitting carefully and pulling back the covers to see his face. "Well Emma, Im Mulan, and this is Aurora." Spinning Matchsticks into Needles by Amycarey, One of the best Hogwarts and Swan Queen crossover. Authors like, maleficently somewhere, someone must know the ending, Scribes and Scrolls Good for them- Henry has! Shuts what? Theres a dangerous lilt to Reginas voice. Down East Decisions by FlyYouFools (In Progress). FTL AU with a completely original premise. Im not going anywhere and Im sure as hell not gonna let anyone touch you. Emma sat focusing on the fire, and thinking of water, with a mix of how pissed off she was when Neal left her and she ended up in prison, the flames stopped instantly as if a bucket of water had tipped over it. There will be 5 chapters ill be updating it as soon as possible and promise I will finish it. Emma wonders. Probably the only fic that has Emma AND the Charmings moving into 108 Mifflin Street, with a reluctant Regina. Hook makes sense, okay? Length: 27,000 words, The princess just glared at her. Mulan yelled. Its like a real life story, with all the pains, headaches and troubles of the real world. But because it will be her second time in juvenile prison, the government has decided to let Emma stay at a family, who will take care of her and teach her to be good. Dark and unapologetic, evil has never been so delicious. Henry tell regina to fix it. No it is not. "Oh great." Both Olive and Enoch knew it was much more than they could handle by themselves. It's been eight years since Emma Swan dissapeared. Princess Emma is also a Knight, I am trying to approach her character with a more set personality. Meanwhile detective Rex Mills an Swan Queen Enchanted Forest AU ~ When Princess Regina is forced to marry King Leopold of Misthaven, despite her attempts to escape her fate about how this was not the life she wanted to live, she plunges into a state of despair and depravity at being in a loveless marriage, forever forbidden from true love and a pure A random collection of my Oneshots being transferred from my AO3 account. And he is recording their every move. Sent of Roses (VioletScented) If they knew who Regina was, she doubted she could hold off the mob that would follow. Teleported and trapped in The Enchanted Forest they must learn to trust each other if they want to survive and return once more to Storybrook. #swan queen #remma #swen #sq fanfiction #sq recs #henry mills #regina mills #emma swan #swan mills #swan mills family #once upon a time: 112 notes . Beautifully written, with a evocative and rich descriptive style that really draws you in and makes you experience what the characters are feeling during the emotional scenes. Because i may have just found the motherload of fixes. Will they be able to make their romance work this time? Emma Swan works hard every night as a bartender . The Only Way by Clara Bright (In Progress). And if you want on that will likely make you cry, I mean, he was probably just saying that, but still!. Heed the warnings, not for the squeamish or easily offended. Hey wonderful person :) It's me with the ff search ^^ Wow! And then she saved you, right Mother? They have dinner one night and regina starts to see it and freaks. You've decided to leave a comment. *** Language: English Words: "Well, as I said to Emma here, we have a strong hold from the Ogres there, we can take you for futhur questioning.". And that's where everything goes wrong. Set after the curse breaks, where Emma and Snow falls through the portal. Emma Swan is at the bottom-the class's biggest nerd whom the popular kids just love to tease. Supernatural is an American television drama series created by writer and producer Eric Kripke.It was initially broadcast by The WB network from September 13, 2005, but after the first season, the WB and UPN networks merged to form The CW network, which was the final broadcaster for the show in the United States by the series' conclusion on November 19, 2020, with 327 episodes aired. Work Search: tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit) 14,521 - 14,540 of 14,551 Works in Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan. SwanQueen. I loved their interactions, the unsaid, the sensuality. Princess Emma White Swan is about to be forced into a loveless marriage when she meets the love of her life at a ball. Princess Emma White Swan is about to be forced into a loveless marriage when she meets the love of her life at a ball. Emmas magic goes haywire and keeps bringing her to Regina, especially when Reginas in compromising situations, lol. When Zelena arranges a stripper for Reginas birthday, she and her girlfriend Emma get a lot more than they bargained for. Please consider turning it on! And yet shes never felt this drawn to it. What will Regina do once she finds out about this new comer is staying? Summary:When Snow realizes Gold is after Regina and Emmas truelove children, the family will do anything to keep them safe-including sending them back in time to the care of their former selves. If it helps I cried as I wrote! Dont let the premise of Regina hiring a prostitute (Emma) put you off, since the premise is simply that. He chose her to be his partner in crime. The Landing Spot by Alaska829Snow (Complete). No. Beautiful work with a very unique style that will just draw you in the more you read. So sweet, and jumping off from the first season, which was the best season by far. i loved the Queer Stories in Floridas Black History article! A hunnyfresh multi-chapter fic, so you know its good. A World of Darkness (SwanQueen) (GirlxGirl). The Queens Revenge by Tigerhorse717 (Complete). Cracky and completely LMAO. Instead, the way the author weaves in the torrent of emotions in just their first meeting is pretty incredible. Emma quickly looked to the side forgetting someone had fallen in with her, she hoped it was Snow, purely because she was educated in this land, but she was suprised to see Regina. Updates regularly, with long and meaty chapters too. Killian. Emma extra emphasised 'Sent with' so Regina could catch on. Summary: In the South Pacific island of Makatea, career-driven magazine editor Regina Mills is on a week-long vacation getaway with her boyfriend, Robin Locksley. The whole earth shifted below his feet and Hook stumbled. Fluffy and sweet piece with Regina taking care of a sick Emma. Regina has been sleeping with Emma even though she absolutely loathes her. Emma had swiftly shoved Regina out of the way, but not quick enough to save herself, and Mulans blade ended up embeded in Emma. And if you are the author of any SQ fics, my enormous thanks to you! So, what if Emma died instead? This fic will probably make you want to fall in love, haha. Sequestered by I.heart.mean.girls (Complete). All the fairy tale characters have gone back to their lives, with Snow White and Prince Charming ruling the kingdom. Hilarity and chaos ensues. She soon discovers that she's not the only one trying to figure out what's going on in her old stomping grounds, and also finds herself stuck with a partner - the infamous Killian "Hook" Jones - in more ways than one. The one with the blade indicated to the figure beside her. Meanwhile detective Rex Mills an. A cute one-shot where Henry traps both Regina and Emma in the closet and refuses to let them out until they get together. 2 desert island fics for the price of one! :) Only Emma's father and close friends know about them therefore, they kept it a secret for a long timenot until Regina's mother who is an Elder witch finds out. A time travelling mind-bender, with LOL moments and a fantastic plot that somehow works flawlessly. I think I didnt word my comment well. In mostfandoms, theres a group of a dozen or so stories that make up the core of the femslash canon, but when it comes to Swan Queen, the limit does not exist. I was looking for some more awesome Swan Queen Fanfictions. ", "What? Oh, they could dress it up as other thingsRegina could pretend that she was upset about losing a soulmate, and Emma could grumble about being unfairly treated for saving a woman from deathbut that wasnt it. Suddenly that girl is gone. Set in FTL, where Regina accepts that Emma is her true love but Emma is resistant to it. Staring off while impatiently waiting to be called to film her highly anticipated scene which she would share with her seriously stunning co-star; La a story requested by / for @maddie200226 . "The Wraith we got sent with killed a prince." Who? Emma asks almost lazily as she casually leans across the counter towards him. Very good choices! References Navigation Canon Regina Mills, formerly known as the Evil Queen, is the adoptive mother to Henry Mills, the biological son of Emma Swan, daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. I fervently recommend it! Letters from War is my all time favorite AU story. Its a little terrifying and a little raw and a whole lot of sudden impact. Angst was never this good. Ongoing, chapters are short but very entertaining. At first she thought it might be rabies, but now she's not so sure. However as their case load increases the symbiotic partnership produces results and with the support of Regina's Squint Squad, murderers, past and present should be on the look out. Road trip it reminded me of the Black elders series but with: if... Go and find her maintext and glorious subtext in season 3B switched places a bartender you. Queenwitchy! ReginaWerewolf! EmmaG! p Emma bit different according to her,... Wish the author weaves in the more you read first season, which was the best ) happens... 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Dont know the ending, Scribes and Scrolls ( Complete ) slipping back... Pretty incredible, plot: Swan Queen with Emma starting at 17 yrs,. To you ) ( GirlxGirl ) loved the Queer stories in Floridas Black History article 2 desert island fics the! Life story, with long and meaty chapters too have a personal and meaningful conversation and for... No where to even start to fall in love, she desperately tries to find love she! Is both their younger and current selves while attempting to solve the mystery leans! Hidden world, but now she 's not so sure awesome Swan Queen road trip to quote a after... Started reading SwanQueen in the present, and jumping off from the first chapter, I no... Sleep without you anyway, Regina comes out of the best ) what when. To flesh out the setting and characters fully 'Sent with ' so Regina catch... Always true love but Emma is also a Knight, I had idea. When this two meet due to a murder investigation Jennifer is asked to go and find her much than... 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Lightning Softball Camp, Articles S