Discover some of the stuff we've recorded

Considering that Project 72 has no fucking objectives of any sort, they tend to blend different ambiances together and always fuck it up in the end.

Upcoming Shows

Band members

These guys have been playing, drinking, talking shit together for more than 10 years.

Jean-François Gandolfo, Keyboards, Project 72
Jean-François Gandolfo, Keyboards, Project 72
Michael Gussing, Lead Vocal, Project 72
Michael Gussing, Lead Vocal, Project 72
Raph Guitar, Project 72
Raph, Guitar, Project 72
Ed, Drums, Project 72
Ed, Drums, Project 72
Christophe Henchoz, Bass and Vocals, Project 72
Christophe Henchoz, Bass and Vocals, Project 72


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